Quarterly Finance Data-set Documentation

Dataset Description

Data Refresh Rate

This dataset is refreshed every night. The stocks data is pulled nightly for the previous day’s close price, high, low, open and volume.

The SEC Edgar financials data is updated monthly from a bulk SEC download. The SEC data is not updated daily.

Data Granularity

[Primary Key]: The unique row in this dataset is determined by the columns: Symbol, Year, Quarter.

This dataset has two implied levels of grain:

  1. At the stock symbol level
  2. At the central index key level

The two levels of grain work well together because some companies have more than one stock symbol associated to them, because they have different classes of publicly traded shares outstanding. Therefore, it is important to know which symbol the company Earnings Per Share (EPS), Net Income, and Dividends apply to.

Fields such as Company Name, Revenue, Assets & Liabilities, etc. apply at the Central Index Key (the Company) level, unless the company has other subsidiary companies with different central index keys, in which case, those can be looked-up as well.

Some companies do not publish quarterly reports, and only annual. In that case, their annual metrics are divided equally by 4 for each trading quarter for their quarterly metrics, to allow for apples to apples comparisons at the quarterly level of grain.

All metrics ending with “Annual” are pre-aggregated to the annual level of the company. This means that they cannot be meaningfully summed across quarters as they are repeated for each quarter. These metrics are useful at the average level, to look at data at an aggregated annual level, but still using the Quarterly Financial Dataset, without the need to create a different annual dataset.

Column Descriptions

Column NameData TypeLevel of GrainDescription
SymbolTextSymbolStock Symbol
YearIntegerAnyYear of reported metrics
QuarterIntegerAnyQuarter of reported metrics
Stock Price Quarter AvgMoneySymbolThe mean price of the equity traded for the given calendar quarter
Stock Price Quarter LowMoneySymbolThe lowest price of the equity traded for the given calendar quarter
Stock Price Quarter HighMoneySymbolThe highest price of the equity traded for the given calendar quarter
Stock Price Quarter CloseMoneySymbolThe close price of the equity on the last trading day of the calendar quarter. The current quarter will show the most recently closed price.
Stock Price VolatilityNumberSymbolA measure of the quarterly volatility of the symbol expressed as: Abs(Max(“close”) – Min(“close”)) / Avg(“close”)
Volume AvgNumberSymbolThe average daily volume of shares traded for the symbol
Volume TotalNumberSymbolThe total volume of shares traded for the quarter
Year QuarterNumberAnyThe year concatenated with the quarter number. Ex. 20221 is the first quarter of year 2022.
Year Quarter DateDateAnyThe first calendar day of the start of the calendar quarter. Ex. 2018-06-01
Is Last Year QuarterBooleanSymbolIs the Year Quarter the last Year Quarter traded for the Symbol in the database. True for the highest Year Quarter with a recorded trading day, false otherwise.
ExchangeTextSymbolThe Stock Exchange that the Symbol is typically traded on
Central Index KeyNumberCentral Index KeyThe SEC Central Index Key of the equity
RevenuesMoneyCentral Index KeyQuarterly Revenues
Interest ExpenseMoneyCentral Index KeyQuarterly Interest Expense
Profit Or Net IncomeMoneyCentral Index KeyThe reported quarterly profit of the company as defined by the SEC tags:
– NetIncomeLoss
– ProfitLoss
– NetIncomeLossAvailableToCommonStockholdersBasic
DividendsMoneyCentral Index KeyThe amount of dividends paid out to the shareholders for the quarter
Net Cash Flow OperatingMoneyCentral Index KeyNet Cash Flow Operating for the quarter
Net Cash Flow FinancingMoneyCentral Index KeyNet Cash Flow Financing for the quarter
Net Cash Flow InvestingMoneyCentral Index KeyNet Cash Flow Investing for the quarter
Net Cash FlowMoneyCentral Index KeyNet Cash Flow for the quarter
AssetsMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Assets as reported on the quarter
Assets CurrentMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Current Assets as reported on the quarter
Property Plant And Equipment NetMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Property Plant And Equipment Net Assets as reported on the quarter
Cash And EquivalentsMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Cash And Equivalents (Ex. Govt. bonds, etc) as reported on the quarter
Intengible AssetsMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Intengible Assets as reported on the quarter
LiabilitiesMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Liabilities as reported on the quarter
Liabilities CurrentMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Current Liabilities as reported on the quarter
Liabilities Non CurrentMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Liabilities – Total Current Liabilities as reported on the quarter
Stockholders EquityMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Stockholders Equity as reported on the quarter
Liabilities And Stockholders EquityMoneyCentral Index KeyTotal Stockholders Equity + Total Liabilities as reported on the quarter
Eps BasicMoneyCentral Index KeyBasic Earnings Per Share as reported for the quarter
Eps DilutedMoneyCentral Index KeyDiluted Earnings Per Share as reported for the quarter
Company Name HistoricalTextCentral Index KeyKeeps the historical name of the company if it changed overtime for the same symbol. Only goes back to 2020.
Company Name CurrentTextCentral Index KeyThe current name of the company
Security Name HistoricalTextSymbolShows the historical name of the equity symbol if it changed over time.
Security Name CurrentTextSymbolThe current name of the equities symbol.
Company Name Filed CurrentTextCentral Index KeyThe most current company name as filed in SEC Edgar
Standard Industry Classification CodeTextCentral Index KeyStandard Industry Classification Code of the company
Industry CategoryTextCentral Index KeyThe Industry Category of the company, also known as Office in SEC Edgar
Industry SubcategoryTextCentral Index KeyThe Industry Subcategory, also known as Industry Title in SEC Edgar
Stock SymbolsTextCentral Index KeyComma delimited list of stocks and other traded symbols associated with the company (Central Index Key)
Country Code IsoTextCentral Index KeyThe ISO Country Code that the company operates in
Country NameTextCentral Index KeyThe name of the country that the company operates in
RegionTextCentral Index KeyThe name of the region in the country that the company operates in
State Province CodeTextCentral Index KeyThe code of the state or province of the country that the company operates in
State Province NameTextCentral Index KeyThe name of the state or province of the country that the company operates in
Country Incorporated Code IsoTextCentral Index KeyThe ISO Country Code that the company is incorporated in
Country Incorporated NameTextCentral Index KeyThe name of the country that the company is incorporated in
Region IncorporatedTextCentral Index KeyThe name of the region in the country that the company is incorporated in
State Province Incorporated CodeTextCentral Index KeyThe code of the state or province of the country that the company is incorporated in
State Province Incorporated NameTextCentral Index KeyThe name of the state or province of the country that the company is incorporated in
Employee Identification NumberTextCentral Index KeyEmployee Identification Number of the company
Is Seasoned IssuerTextCentral Index KeyIs Seasoned Issuer is a flag that is reported by the SEC.

Last Sec Filing DateDateCentral Index KeyThe last date that the company filed a financial statement to the SEC
Last Sec Filing YearIntegerCentral Index KeyThe last year that the company filed a financial statement to the SEC
Number Of Additional CiksIntegerCentral Index KeyThe number of additional Central Index Keys associated with this company. Possibly as subsidiaries or parents
Additional CiksTextCentral Index KeyA comma delimited string of addicional Central Index Keys associated with this company. Possibly as subsidiaries or parents.
Equity TypeTextSymbolCurrently is either Stock or ETF (Exchange Traded Fund)
Stock Last Trade DateDateSymbolThe last date that the equity was traded in the database
Last Reported Year QuarterIntegerCentral Index KeyThe last year-quarter that the company reported Profit or Net Income
Common Shares CurrentNumberSymbolThe current number of common shares that are being traded for this equity symbol. Calculated as the last reported Profit or Net Income divided by Earnings Per Share Basic. [Profit/EPS]
Stock Last Close PriceMoneySymbolThe Stock Last Close Price is the last close price of the stock in the database, as a static unchanged number across time, until the database is refreshed the next day for the most current close price.
Market Capitalization CurrentMoneySymbol[Stock Last Close Price] * [Common Shares Current]
Company Paid DividendsBooleanCentral Index KeyTrue of False flag as to whether the company has ever paid dividends, as is recorded in the database for the given dataset
Years Reported Net IncomeIntegerCentral Index KeyThe number of years that the company has reported Net Income to SEC Edgar as for the whole dataset only
Market CapitalizationMoneySymbolIf this is the latest stock price quarter:
[Stock Price Quarter Close] * [Common Shares Current]
[Stock Price Quarter Avg] * [Common Shares Current]
YieldPercentSymbol[Profit Or Net Income] / [Market Capitalization]
Yield CurrentPercentSymbol[Profit Or Net Income] / [Market Capitalization Current]
Dividend YieldPercentSymbol[Dividends] / [Market Capitalization]
Years Paid DividendIntegerCentral Index KeyThe number of years that the company has been recorded to have paid shareholder dividends as recorded in the dataset only
SEC CIK URLText/URLCentral Index KeyURL to the SEC website with the Central Index Key latest filings and reports
Debt To Asset RatioPercentCentral Index Key[Liabilities] / [Assets]